How to Fix Uneven Hips or Pelvic Imbalance Naturally

Safe and effective treatments for uneven hips that you can do without surgery in Singapore

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If you find yourself unable to sit or lie down for a long time without pain and looking for the answers to “how to sleep with uneven hips” or “how to sit with uneven hips”, you are not alone. Did you know that generally, a whopping 8 out of 10 people* suffer from uneven hips? This is especially common among women, often due to pregnancy. Fortunately, depending on the cause, there are treatments available in Singapore to restore balance and fix hip realignment safely and effectively without surgery.

*According to a study by Lee Herrington 

Causes of Uneven Hips

  • Scoliosis: A common cause of uneven hips, scoliosis is the sideways curvature of the spine. It can occur in both children and adults and may affect one’s breathing and lead to deterioration of health.
  • Bad posture or stance for a long period of time: Having a preferred side to lean on may lead to an imbalance in muscle strength, thus resulting in uneven hips.
  • Difference in leg lengths: Structural leg discrepancy can be congenital or occur due to leg injuries.

How to Fix Uneven Hips in Singapore

Various treatments are available to fix uneven hips depending on their severity. Severe structural leg length differences tend to require surgery for alignment correction. However, some cases may be able to be solved through regular therapy or exercise.

1. Hip Adjustment Exercises

These exercises are simple and can be done on your own at home. They are easily the most convenient treatments for uneven hips, and regularly doing these exercises is good for the long term as well. Those with minor cases of uneven hips or who want to prevent the occurrence of uneven hips will find these exercises can work well.

Stretching exercises are essential as they will help to improve flexibility, restore balance to the hip muscles, and help to realign the hips.

Strengthening exercises can aid in supporting proper hip alignment and increase stability. When the strength of the muscles on both sides of the hips is rebalanced, one’s weight can be spread evenly, which reduces the possibility of over-reliance on one side.

2. Chiropractic Massage

When home therapies are not enough to fix uneven hips, consulting a chiropractor may be one of the next steps. Professional chiropractors assess and analyse your condition and provide targeted treatments for hip realignment.

An example of a chiropractic technique that can help improve uneven hips is spinal manipulation, which helps restore balance and alignment and thus reduces the pain that may arise from unaligned hips.

3. Korean Bone Reshaping 

Korean Bone Reshaping is an all-natural hand technique that can realign the pelvis naturally without surgery. This means it is more cost-effective with no side effects and downtime. 

On top of restoring balance to our hips, shoulders and posture, enhancing pelvic alignment also helps in achieving a more symmetrical face. This is because our hips and faces are connected. A tilt in the hips, no matter how small, can result in facial asymmetry.

This may come as a surprise, but facial asymmetry is more common than you think — this also explains why most people have a ‘more photogenic side’. Many people have a more defined chin on one side, a lopsided smile, or one cheekbone higher than the other. And uneven hips can worsen these facial asymmetries over time. 

Fixing Uneven Hips After Pregnancy

A common occurrence during pregnancy is the tilt and rotation of the pelvic bones due to the additional weight. illumiaFace Korean Bone Reshaping therapies such as Even Sculpt and Pelvic Care are safe and highly encouraged for postpartum mums after one month to rebalance and stabilise the hips while relieving hip pains. 

How Long Does Korean Bone Reshaping Take to Fix Uneven Hips

While there may be visible results after one session, it generally takes at least three to five sessions for more noticeable changes. However, this depends on each individual and the severity of their condition as well. Do consult our Korean Masters at illumiaFace to understand more about the treatment and determine the number of treatments needed for optimal results.

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